3 Reasons We Shouldn’t Fear the Money Conversation

3 Reasons We Shouldn’t Fear the Money Conversation

Money conversations can be difficult, but they are important. As a woman in business, money can be a hard conversation to have. In fact, it’s almost a taboo subject! Sixty percent of women say they have never negotiated their salary! From a young age, we’ve all been discouraged to talk about money.  However, it’s time for that conversation to change! Here are 3 reasons we shouldn’t fear the money conversation.

Reasons We Shouldn’t Fear the Money Conversation

It’s time to set aside anything and everything you know about money. I am going to touch on a few points that I believe will help make the money conversation easier. Before you continue reading, remember some of these tips are going to challenge your belief about money. 

1. Remember that we are in business to make money!

First, we have to remember that we are in business to make money! We are not in business for fun or to save other people money. We have to shift that mentality first. When you realize you’re in the business to make money, it will change your entire perspective on conversations about money.

2. Stop assigning a moral value to money

Do you know the saying “money is the root of all evil?” The truth is the LOVE of money is the root of all evil and even in that it means do you love money more than people, more than doing what’s right? The bible says “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” 1 Timothy 6:10

So, money in and of itself is not dirty, evil, nor causes problems for those who are wise about earning it. If you go around thinking of money as inherently bad, you’re always going to limit yourself when it comes to attaining financial abundance. Even subconsciously, there will always be doubts and resistance in your mind to obtaining wealth.

Money has no moral value. It is just something that allows you to buy things and live your lifestyle in a certain way. Once you stop assigning a moral value to money, you can start having a REAL conversation about it! 

3. Money should be taken off the pedastool

How many times have you put money on a pedastool? Well, it’s time to stop because this is keeping us from the money conversation. Once you remove the idea that money is up here and you are down here, true conversations can start happening. Here are a few examples of people putting money on a pedastool. 

  • “When I make this amount of money that’s when I know that I’ve arrived”
  • “When I have this many clients that’s when I’ll be enough and I can really show up”
  • “Glorifying a monthly money goal…get over it!”
  • “What thoughts in your head are making money a big deal?”
  • “Take back your power with money”

Once  money is brought down to the right level, it’s much easier to talk about!

Tips for Making the Money Conversation Easier

I do have a few tips that will make having the money conversation easier. Take a deep breath and check out these tips to make the money conversion happen.

  • Find people you feel safe talking about money
  • Find a female mentor who is not afraid to talk about money
  • Create an environment for yourself where it’s safe to fail and learn
  • Find classes that educate you on sales, pricing, and negotiating
  • Build your confidence in talking about money by being transparent in your home first
  • Find opportunities in your community to talk about money 

So, what can you do to help make the money conversation easier for yourself and those around you? One great way to start is by finding people with whom you feel safe talking about money. This could be a female mentor who is not afraid to talk openly about finances, or a group of friends with similar interests in learning more about personal finance. 

Once you have a few people you feel comfortable talking to about money, begin creating an environment for yourself where it is safe to fail and learn. By taking these small steps, you can begin to make the conversation around money more comfortable and open – ultimately leading to a more financially empowered community.

3 New Age Beliefs that Sneak Into the Christian Business World

3 New Age Beliefs that Sneak Into the Christian Business World

In this New Age beliefs in business series, we’re going to look at a variety of ideals and perspectives. This post will highlight New Age beliefs that sneak into the business world. The following posts will dive into how they get into the business world in the first place, how to avoid them, and how to prevent them from hindering your business. Be sure to save this post and stay tuned to my podcast to hear more in-depth discussions about this topic.

new age beliefs that sneak into the Christian business world

What are New Age beliefs?

Before diving into specific beliefs, we first need to identify what the New Age movement is in the first place. First and foremost, New Age is not a religion. Instead, it should be seen as a belief system. This is why you won’t see specified New Age “churches” more than groups of people who simply share the same outlook and philosophies of this belief system.

In short, New Agers do not see the Messiah as the Savior. If anything, they see Him as a teacher of some kind. In addition to this, they also see everything as ‘spiritual,’ including the physical earth. The biggest belief comes in the form of monism – the belief that everything is one.

With this in mind, let’s look at several New Age beliefs that make their way into the Christian business world.

3 New Age Beliefs that Sneak Into the Christian Business World

Establishing your business in your own power (without including God).

One of the biggest mishaps Christians can make is launching their business in their own power. For the New Age believer, they have the power to create and do what they want because they are one with their creation. However, for Christian believers who understand where true power and authority come from, it becomes dangerous territory to step into creating anything without praying & seeking God first.  This is not an attempt to merely include God in every aspect of their business – but to seek him in relationship and listen to Holy Spirit about what you are called to co-partner with God on. 

In order to dodge establishing your business in your own power, make sure you are co-partnering with God versus trying to be the one in complete control. Dedicate your business to Him and make every effort to be obedient and trust Him in everything you do.

delight and desires masterclass

Adopting the law of attraction mindset to grow your business.

I have seen Scripture taken completely out of context to support the law of attraction ideology. However, the truth of the matter is that the law of attraction concept is not a biblical principle. Even more so, it is not supported by God in any way. Adopting the New Age mindset that you have the power to attract certain people out of your own strength or for various reasons removes the work of the Holy Spirit to help you discern if people are right for you and your business.

Instead of focusing on attracting people through positive thoughts and the magnetic power of the Universe, be in prayer about who God wants in your life. Also, be in prayer for discernment about all business connections and ties. Trust and rest assured that God is already putting the perfect people in your path.l because you are working alongside him to bring about the will He has for your life! This process has little to do with “your own power”.

Using Scripture in manifesting and incantational ways.

There is a huge difference between using Scripture for affirmations versus in a manifesting and incantational way. Similar to the law of attraction outlook, New Agers typically believe they can manifest anything their heart desires. The truth if the matter is that we are co-partnered with God to manifest His will and desire on earth. This is usually based on their belief that they, too, can be all-seeing and all-knowing. Therefore, they have the power to bring anything to pass that they think of.

Stay clear of falling into this trap by using Scripture in its proper context. This means remembering Who the Word of God is speaking of and from where the power of its Words flows. If you choose to use Scriptures for affirmation, be in prayer and meditation about their true meaning and what it means for your life and business. 

Final Thoughts

There is no doubt that New Age deceptions sneak into the Christian business world. As a woman of faith in business, I personally understand and have navigated some of these traps set by the enemy to convince us that we can create what we want when we want, especially if done in the Name of Jesus. However, these beliefs are slithers of lies and strongholds embedded into our worldview. They must be shaken up by acknowledging God’s authority! It’s always best to do biblical things in biblical ways even when it comes to business.

expose the new age beliefs in your business and connect with your deepest soul-desire in a godly way

The world has tricked you into thinking that YOU have the burden and stress of manifesting the desires of your heart into your life, family, & business. In addition, New Age beliefs will lead you to believe that you have all the control through the law of attraction and chanting incantations.

I challenge you to flip that on its head! If God gave you the desire, He will manifest the provision alongside your obedience and faithfulness to fulfill the desire he gave you all along. If you’re a multi-passionate high-achieving mompreneur who desires to have a thriving business & family life then I invite you to join me for Delight & Desires Masterclass.

4 Reasons Why You Haven’t Launched Your Business Idea

4 Reasons Why You Haven’t Launched Your Business Idea

What are the reasons why you haven’t launched your business idea? I’m sure you had a variety of things come to mind when reading that question, but can I be honest with you? Whatever your answers were, they were most likely rooted in limiting beliefs that turned into excuses. And that’s okay. In this post, we’re going to talk about some of the top reasons and what you can start doing to get past them.

Reasons why you haven't launched your business idea.

4 Reasons Why You Haven’t Launched Your Business Idea

1. You’re not clear on what you should be doing.

This reason always takes the top spot. Why? Typically because when you look at what the people around you are doing, it’s easy to feel like you should be doing the same thing. Suddenly, your God-given talents go out the window and you begin chasing what you think will make you successful.

To gain clarity around your calling, write down ways you naturally feel drawn to helping people. Then, add experiences you’ve gone through that could be used to help them.

2. You are afraid to fail.

Being afraid to fail is another common reason that even the most successful people go through. The biggest difference is their ability to get past that thought process and adopt a new mindset. In order to release yourself from the fear of failing is to make your mission about other people. When you are fixed on yourself, you won’t see the blessing you are meant to be to others.

Begin moving past the fear of failing by reminding yourself why you are wanting to start (or have already launched) your business.

3. You’ve bitten into the mindset that you need training and certification before getting started.

I am all for obtaining encouraging others to get certifications or further their knowledge about a certain skill set. What I don’t want you to do is become a victim of is believing you need these things in order to walk in your calling. God equips those that He calls and you don’t want to hinder that. I help my clients see the benefit in becoming lifelong students. In other words, be okay with the ongoing process of reaching your goals.

Prioritize your need for training, certifications, and/or knowledge by joining a mastermind, collective, group coaching program, or the like. Get past the idea of believing you need to have it all together before you launch your business.

4. It costs too much money.

This has always been one of the biggest lies that prevent people from launching their business idea. In this day and age, people want you to believe that you need to invest bookoos of money in order to get started. I’m here to tell you that you can launch your business idea with $0. Every platform I’ve ever used has always had some sort of free option that can be utilized until you need to and can make the investments to upgrade. 

Use platforms like Facebook and a free email service to get your business idea off the ground. In the meantime, identify if you have any limiting beliefs around money (which most people do). 

Final Thoughts

There may be many more reasons why you haven’t launched your business idea. And again, that is okay. Every successful entrepreneur has to start somewhere and I want to walk with you from the beginning. I want to help you identify limiting beliefs that are tied to the reasons why you believe you can’t launch your business idea yet. 

Part of what I do is link arms with other women of faith in business and help navigate through sabotaging beliefs. We identify them and replace them with new truths that allow them to experience true breakthroughs. 

If this sounds like something you need, then let’s chat.   

Training Vault vs. A Course: Which One Is Your Best Fit?

Training Vault vs. A Course: Which One Is Your Best Fit?

Choosing between a training vault or course, how do you know which one is your best fit? Google ways to boost your business and you’ll surely find results with courses, training vaults, coaching sessions, and the like. While all these are good things to consider, we should have a discussion about which one is actually best for you. Below, I go into detail about the differences (similarities) between a training vault and a course. Then, I’ll help you identify which one is the best choice to help grow your business.

How to choose between a training vault or course.

Why choose either one to begin with?

If there’s one saying that’s proven to be true time and time again, it’s that you must get into a position of investing in yourself and your business in order to see the best return on investment. Simply put, what you pour into you and your business will eventually come out and affect your products, services, and clients.

I personally create all of my signature products and services around helping my clients reach their full potential, visibly see their next, and take immediate actions toward it. But if I’m not working on this for myself and actively walking it out, how can I genuinely help my clients? My advice to you is to start making room for business-boosting investments like courses, training vaults, and coaching sessions.

What is a Training Vault?

In a nutshell, a training vault sounds exactly like what it’s called. It is typically a vault filled with a variety of training angled around the chosen pillars of the person’s brand who’s offering it. In my case, my training vault is positioned around several key pillars with mindset, clarity, and positioning is a few. 

Training vaults can also house a number of exclusive resources. For example, the Mindset Mastery Vault gives members access to 10 modules, over 12 workbooks, an inner healing and EFT tapping call, a private Facebook group, and special discounts on other programs, courses, and products. 

Overall, a training vault is a good fit if you’re already on fire for your business and looking to keep it ignited. It’s also perfect if you:

  • Want to move past any blockages hindering real business growth.
  • Are looking for more of a short-term program/service.
  • Need to make quick adjustments to your business and strategies.
  • Enjoy working within a virtual group setting.
  • Are ready to do the tasks necessary to bring about change in your business.

What are the benefits of taking a course?

A course may often be seen as something equivalent to a training vault; however, they can be quite different. A course, depending on the creator, is typically offered in a self-paced format. This means once you’ve purchased the course, it’s up to you to work through it. You’ll also be responsible for implementing the tools taught in it.

Unlike a training vault, which would normally give you access to a variety of topics, courses are generally geared toward one particular area of focus. The modules, workbooks, and other resources are geared toward the specific point of interest.

Some coaches offer additional perks with their courses such as one-on-one coaching, but this isn’t too common in the course world. They are usually created to provide better flexibility with your schedule.

Courses may be the best fit for you if you’re looking to boost your business in one key area. They should also be considered if/when you need to:

Final Thoughts

There are many avenues to take when wanting to boost your business and a training vault and/or course are two specific ways I highly recommend looking into. They each have their own uniqueness and depending on your current needs, one is bound to be a great fit. If you’d like assistance with choosing the best option, let’s hop on a quick discovery call!

5 Unexpected Reasons Why Every Multi-Passionate Business Woman Should Have a Blog

5 Unexpected Reasons Why Every Multi-Passionate Business Woman Should Have a Blog

5 Unexpected Reasons Why Every Multi-Passionate Business Woman Should Have a Blog


This interview has been gaining some buzz in my local town of Savannah and we plan on having a Blogging Party Workshop in November as a result of it. I love doing business intuitively. When I said yes to the interview, I never once saw myself as someone to guide others on a blog. I tend to think of all the technical pieces but when asked, I said yes. Why did I say yes? Because it felt good. It felt good to help others around their content and the idea of blogging. It’s what I do in my own business. I write because I love writing first and secondly because it helps my ideal clients to shift their mindsets for greater success in their life and business and if they apply the spiritual principles and strategies that I teach, they experience even greater results. As a result of my love for writing and blogging, this interview came about and now a local in-person workshop is on the books for it! I couldn’t have strategized this outcome if I wanted to. Sometimes operating from a heart and soul place with the faith and confidence that divine strategy is at play, is what propels you forward. I know it sounds woo woo but that’s what has fueled my success this far and I’m not gonna stop now!!

Now for the 5 unexpected reasons why every multi-passionate business momma of faith should have a blog:

5 Unexpected Reasons Why Every Multi-Passionate Business Woman Should Have a Blog

Know Like and Trust

Your audience actually wants to see that you are a real person and not just a stale business. When I was studying my masters, I took on course on business and society and business’s role to operate as a part of society or to work outside and above society. When you choose to blog about your work, success, clients, and even a bit of personal life your increase your like, know and trust factor for your clients and can be the edge of why they choose you over a competitor. Sharing timely and relevant information allows you to communicate with your audience in way that others are missing out on.

Subject Matter Expert

You are positioning yourself as a subject matter expert in your industry. When it comes to picking a service or product, your clients want to work with the business that seems most knowledgeable and educated on the matter

Get More Visibility

Don’t you want more visibility on social media? If you are writing helpful and valuable industry specific pieces on your blog, then people are more likely to share what you are writing with others through social media. No one is talking about your package or program but they are talking about the way you shared that tip or idea that helped them to do better. People share value on social media platforms and that in turn gets you free visibility. Plus every time you write a blog post, it’s another opportunity for you to show up in the search engines and you can create repurposed content in smaller bit-sized pieces from the blog to put out on social media sites as well. It’s quite a beautiful marketing strategy!!

It’s a Free Marketing Channel

You may see yourself as a small business owner with a small marketing budget, well don’t miss out on a free marketing avenue such as blogging. No, we aren’t talking about a personal blog or saying your main source of income should be the ads in a blog. However, a business blog is a marketing channel (just like social media, direct mail, email marketing, etc.) that helps support business growth.

Get More Business

60% of businesses who blog, acquire more customers, according to a HubSpot survey. So yes, blogging done strategically for business will increase your profit. If you are interested in starting your blog or reviving your blog for your business … check out my Endless God-Inspired Content Creation Masterclass. This course is usually only available to the women in my Inner Circle Group Coaching Program but because you took the time to read this blog you can get access to it here for a one time $47.

Get Access to the Masterclass Here

Justina is a Pro MUA and Mindset and Success Coach. To schedule a complimentary clarity session with her click on the link calendly.com/purposefulpursuit
You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You.

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Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary clarity session with her. 

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You

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Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

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