
6 Secrets for Women Who Want to Have It All: Including Working Life Balance

6 Secrets for Women Who Want to Have It All: Including Working Life Balance

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This question,“can women have it all?” really puts a lot of pressure on women to believe that we actually are responsible for doing it all or that we have to do it “all”.

It imposes the idea that “all”, is only our responsibility. It removes the men in our lives from the equation.

Let’s ask that another way. Can men really have it all? How did that feel? What effect does that question have on men?

women who want to have it all

I guess somehow in this society we believe that men already have it all. So we don’t have to ask them that. But this is so far from true. Men struggle with not having a clear idea of what “All” means to them as well.

Questioning if women can have it all also creates a sense of lack. It stirs up the “I’m not enough stories”. We begin to question the choices in our life thinking that we to have something more. When you are doing what you love that counts as having it all.

Here are My 6 secrets to having it all

1. You have to Determine what “All” means to you.

Having it all may mean running your own passion-based business AND having time for your children.

It could also mean being a stay at home mom without the business or job.

Either way determining what makes you happy and not getting caught up with what society thinks you should have is the first step to truly having it all…your way

2. Embrace the idea that It’s ok for you to want what you want.

Get clear on what you really want out of life

There doesn’t have to be this energy of guilt surrounding your desires to grow your business and spend time with your children.

It’s not one or the other it’s really about you embracing your desires and being creative about achieving them

3. Be creative in solving your problems.

We all run into snags sometimes.

Maybe you’ll have to strategize around what hours you can work with wanting to be home when your kids get out of school (remember only if that is an actual desire of yours to be there when they get out of school and not because you feel obligated to).

Maybe you’ll have to talk to your boss about doing some hours from home.

Either way being creative in solving the problems that may be preventing you from doing all that you desire is key!

4.You have to be a master at asking for help: You can’t do it alone.

Actually, I’m begging you not to attempt to do it alone.

I got a taste of being a single parent when my husband got deployed and I got a chance to exercise my super powers of asking for help.

That means asking the family that is nearby, neighbors, friends, church members, and sports coaches for help.

I remember having a 2-day commercial shoot with Target and having to ask my neighbor to take my son to practice 2 days in a row because I wasn’t able to.

I couldn’t have done the commercial shoot and kept my son on the all-star football team without help

5. Believe that you can have it “all” (whatever that means to you)

You must believe that the things you desire in life are achievable.

I remember when I started my first passion based business that required me leaving the home. I used to say yes in faith to the jobs I was requested for.

I didn’t have child care set up yet but I believed that something would come through in order for me to be able to make it.

6. Stop trying to have it “all” and embrace where you’re at.

Do all that you can with what you already have.

You’re all is something that continually changes.

In one of my “all” moments I was doing 1 thing homeschooling my children, no coaching, and makeup business, no writing, no published articles and we were on top of the world.

My all began to change at different stages in my life.

So I’m not chasing it all, I’m chasing embracing who I am and what I believe and living a life that is aligned with my values.

Justina is a Pro MUA and Mindset and Success Coach. You can find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You.

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Justina Ford


Justina holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, a Master’s in Human Service Counseling focused in Business, and additional training in the Emotional Freedom Technique and Splankna Therapy. She is an Amazon #1 International Best-Selling Author, Huffington Post Contributor and Contributing Author of Notes to Younger Women. She also serves as a Commercial Makeup Artist to Professional Photographers, Marketing and Advertising Teams. She is an intuitive business coach and Christian energy healer. She calls herself The Soul-Purpose Alignment Strategist. She helps new and aspiring Christian Coaches and service based Mompreneurs to overcome limiting beliefs surrounding their purpose and their call to create in the marketplace.

Click HERE to schedule a complimentary clarity session with her. 

You can also find her in her Facebook Group The Purposeful Pursuit to a Beautiful You

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Please Note: I do not provide the services of a licensed physician, or licensed counselor, information received should not be seen as medical or mental health advice and is not meant to take the place of seeing licensed health professionals.

951 E G Miles Parkway Hinesville GA 31313

+1 912-532-0953


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The Path Perceived

The Path Perceived

Hair & Makeup: Justina Ford

Photographer: Charlotte Wilson

Are you on the Perceived Path or the Soul-Filled Divine Path?

Have you started out in life doing what others told you to do or following this expected path? Then after reaching the perceived goal; realized it wasn’t even what you wanted. So if you’re in a position, a role, a job and you’re asking yourself how did I get here or feeling like something’s missing… this just doesn’t line up, then you’ve come to the right place because I challenge you to find your God-given path.

Currently you are on the perceived path. The question is how long will you stay there?

The Perceived Path is where you pick up at an early age clues centered around what everyone expects from you. You may have said as a child oh I want to be a painter or actor when I grow up and your parents looked at you sideways. They might have even asked, “oh ok but what are you going to get a JOB in?”

Those comments and facial expressions filtered through you and you perceived… “uh-oh, what I enjoy, desire, and find interesting is not ideal or good enough for me”. “What I want isn’t right.” You then begin to internalize the perceived expected path and take that on as your own goal without even realizing it. Never giving yourself time to discover your own desires or interests. At that young age when you said painter or actress etc.. that was your way of dreaming/exploring and it was shot down. You never once considered that the desires in your heart were given to you by God himself. Let’s explore how to be brave and walk in this desire together.

I took all the steps to getting the perfect career to match the education that those closest to me said I should do, but while on this path I felt unsatisfied and incomplete. Something was missing. My actions didn’t match up with my values and my job didn’t fit the overall picture I had for my life.

The Path Perceived

This was the process of the Perceived Path happening in my own life!

  1. When I said I wanted to be a makeup artist and my parents told me, “No, you’re going to get a college degree”. That… was my dream being shot down.
  2. We truly have a desire to please others but we cant do that at the expense of sacrificing our true selves desires, passions and talents in trade for corporate dollars.
  3. That idea is what propels people into considering soul businesses, there’s also a thing called soul positions or divine positions
  4. Even if you aren’t wanting/ready to branch out on your own and start a business, you can still be clever and resourceful at creating yourself a divine position in your current career or new career
  5. The key is dream play! You must give yourself ample time and space to do so. Ask the questions challenge the status quo, Reassessing and re-evaluating everything you once perceived as truth. (That’s what I did)
  6. Once I stepped out of the perceived path for my life I was able to accomplish some awesome things that aligned with my values and goals. Now that I’ve had success in my freelance makeup business, I’m just bubbling with energy to teach others to do it.
  7. Your path won’t look like mine but the steps that it takes to get yourself off that Perceived Path anchored in you from your past are the same.
  8. You have to redefine success on our own terms, giving it a value that is unique to you and only you. Don’t base your success off what other people are doing or others expectation.

So after reading this what path are you on??

 The path perceived or the path perpetuated by your beautiful soul!!

Delight yourself in God and He will give you the desires of your heart!!

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